Chariot of Salvation
Acts 8:29
Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near and join thyself to this chariot.
During my study in Acts 8:26-41 about the Ethiopian Eunuch and Philip, I was also reading in Habakkuk and ran across this term “chariots of salvation.” Habakkuk 3:8 uses the term “chariots of salvation” referring to God’s symbolic instruments of victory, help, and strength.
Certainly, the Ethiopian Eunuch was riding in a chariot that was his “chariot of salvation.” For in that place there was help for his soul from God’s Word!
It made all the difference for him! It changed him! He went on his way rejoicing (v. 39)
Likewise, when we sit with God’s Word open and our hearts in faith seek to know the truth, we are figuratively sitting in a “chariot of salvation.” For in that place, God dispenses help through His quick and powerful Word for whatever our need. As a bonus, joy, a fruit of the Spirit, comes.
Rebecca Pugh