Daily Devotional Thursday 12-21-06

Mary’s Thoughts

Luke 2:19

“But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.”

The pain of birth is past and gone,

As I behold my firstborn Son

So small He is, and yet so dear,

I wipe away a joyful tear.

He sleeps: His tiny fists enclose

A tattered edge of swaddling clothes.

The manger filled with pungent hay,

The slight smell of cattle drifts slowly away.

A miracle, this Son of mine

So human: and yet so clearly divine:

Begotten of God to become a man,

The culmination of God’s great plan.

But to me, He is just a baby boy,

A mother’s pride; a mother’s joy.

He’s restless in his makeshift nest,

So I clasp Him snugly to my breast.

And as the hours move swiftly past,

I cherish each moment, to make it last,

Knowing that soon my helpless Son

Will face His task that must be done.

“His name will be Jesus,” the angel said.

A Savior, the word fills me with dread.

For I know there must be a terrible cost

Involved in saving people who are lost.

The shepherds come from nearby hills,

Their simple story is full of thrills,

The angel of the Lord appeared,

Instilling trust, eschewing fear.

To tell good tidings of greatest joy

About my Son, my baby boy.

Savior was the angel’s word.

“A Savior which is Christ the Lord.”

He makes no sound as they come near,

Just stretches and yawns in lack of fear.

I watch them worship at His feet,

And ponder the mysteries of God so deep.

A God that could send His only Son,

Born of a woman: a lowly one.

My soul doth magnify the Lord,

My spirit rejoices in His word.

As I look down on His angelic face,

I’m thankful for God’s great mercy and grace.

And whatever shadows tomorrow may come,

Today I rejoice in the birth of my Son.

Joan Warren


About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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