“But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8:12).
For the month of April our study is titled, “Eternal Light.” Our writer states, “Often we understand something better when we examine the opposite.” This week we will concentrate on eternal darkness.
The subject of hell is not a pleasant one. Many people have a distorted view of a holy and just God. Our study writer states this about hell, “It is the rightful punishment for those who choose darkness over light.” The Bible contains many warnings about this horrible place called hell. I couldn’t word the following statements any better than our writer: “First, we are given incentive to avoid this place, to make sure our salvation and secure our home in Heaven. We do not want to go to hell. The truth about hell also gives us incentive to tell those who are lost and dying. We don’t want our loved ones to go there either.”
I read several commentaries about today’s verse. I decided to glean from Matthew Henry’s writings. Upon first read, the verse sounds like a contradiction. However, Matthew Henry explains it like this, “the Jews that persist in unbelief, though they were by birth children of the kingdom, yet shall be cut off from being members of the visible church, the kingdom of God, of which they boasted that they were children, shall be taken from them, and they shall become not a people, not obtaining mercy. In the great day it will not avail men to have been children of the kingdom, either as Jews or as Christians, for men will then be judged, not by what they were called, but by what they are.” Come Friday I will elaborate more on those who assume they’ll make Heaven, only to hear the most terrifying words, “Sorry, I never knew you.” These persons will be cast into outer darkness to spend eternity where the “Son” will never shine.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray God would send forth laborers into His harvest. Are you one of God’s laborers? Examine your heart. Are you willing to go?