All-Powerful God

“Look, God is all-powerful…”  (Job 36:22 NLT).

Job’s friends were not known for their helpful words.  I’m no theologian, but I believe the visit from his cronies may have been another part of Job’s testing. They condemned Job.  They belittled Job.  They suggested Job had brought all his troubles upon himself.  They were of little use in consoling Job once they opened their mouths.  But on occasion, a lot like each of us, they did say something profound….”Look, God is all-powerful…”

God, having all power available to Him, is able to accomplish anything we could ask and more.  God, being the Source from which all power comes, is capable of using anything to bring about His perfect plan.

What we tend to forget (and Job’s friend Elihu’s words reminded me) is the One holding the power is the One specifying where that power will be used.

Will He use it to bring about healing?

Will He use it to bring a life back to Him?

Will He use it to bring forth a miracle of grand proportion?

Will He use it to bring about revival within, and in turn, without—in His church?

The answer is yes. He will use His power in all those areas—when He deems it the proper time.  When the audiences are gathered to witness His greatness, when hearts and minds are in line with what he wishes them to see, when the time is right for those of us watching for the miracles to see clearly and without a doubt that it’s ALL Him.

God is all-powerful.  Aren’t you glad about that?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Read Luke 12:16-21. Are you in the process of building bigger barns? Pray concerning God’s will for His abundant provisions.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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