“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).
We live in a sin-darkened world that needs to be enlightened with the truth. We must be willing to carry the light of God’s Word like a glowing torch.
Back in 2004, the Olympic torch relay came through St. Louis, Missouri, my former hometown. Past and present Olympians proudly carried and passed a beautiful torch. Part of the parade passed along the streets where my family and I lived. It was quite a thrill.! As my mind drifts to that memory, I think about what it would be like, if we, as Christians, were to parade like that with the gospel message. It would be even more thrilling.
We have the “lamp.” We must carry it high and pass it on to those who need the truth to set them free. May we ask the Lord to give us oil in our lamp so we can shine like an eternal flame until His return.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Does pride hinder you from going to the altar for confession, encouragement or other needs only known to God? Pray, asking God to search your heart.