“”Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth” (Matt. 13:5).
It is so necessary for us to keep our hearts right with God. We must daily strive not to allow evil and the things of this world to take root in us and harden our hearts. We want to do all we can by prayer, study of the Word and doing the will of God to keep our hearts softened and ready to accept what the will of the Father is in our lives. If we don’t do these things, our hearts will become hardened. We won’t be in the right way for God to be able to use us. Let us work each day to live pleasing to the Lord, so our hearts will be receptive to what He has in store for us.
Debbie White West VirginiaPRAY TOGETHER: Prayerfully read Matthew 6:33 in light of our January study.