“But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold” (Matt. 13:8).
It is our job to keep our lives as clean and free as we possibly can from the sin of this world. God has given us everything we need to do this. He has provided the Holy Spirit to dwell with us. He has given us His word. He has blessed us with our Christian brothers and sisters to encourage us along the way. He is always there for us. What more can we ask for? If we live and do the best we know how, our lives will be useable by Him. We will be like fertile soil, ready for the Master’s use. We will be able to bring forth fruit abundantly by His grace. Praise God for providing everything we need to do His blessed will.
Debbie White West VirginiaPRAY TOGETHER: Pray concerning the example we are leaving our children by our use (misuse) of resources God has so bountifully given us.