Gifts Minus Love Equals Zero Profit

“And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing”  (1 Corinthians 13:3).

We find in today’s verse that were we to give everything we own to the poor and die a martyr’s death, if not motivated by love, this would accomplish nothing.  We desire to use our gifts to make a difference in our church and the world.  Without love, all our labor is in vain.

Paul certainly had a burden for the people of Corinth.  He did his very best to show the love of God even when he had to rebuke them.  We should have that same kind of love for those who are still walking in darkness. They need to be able to see love in our hearts as we use our spiritual gifts.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Christian benevolence ministries in Central Asia. Ask God to enable these to continue operation in spite of new laws and governmental restrictions. 

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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