“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” (Matthew 6:14).
In reading the background of this verse, I discovered the Jews were more about revenge than forgiveness. Knowing this, Jesus tried to help them resolve conflicts. He first told them (and us, today) the importance of forgiveness. He impressed on them (and us) that no matter what the offense in word or deed, we should find it in our hearts to forgive. Not only are we to forgive, but we must also forget. We must be willing to never bring up past trespasses again. A forgiving spirit will lead people toward Christ instead of away from Him.
s this process easy? If it were, we would experience world peace. To encourage us to forgive others, Christ adds the second part of this verse. It’s a conditional promise. Wouldn’t it be nice if it just read, “God, in mercy, has forgiven you, so you should desire to forgive others.” However, God wants us to understand that if we forgive others, He stands continuously ready to forgive us. On the flip side, if we can’t forgive others, how can we expect the Father to forgive us?
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for children in your church who are attending church camps this summer.