“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).
Our August study is entitled, “Avoiding Atrophy.” A simple definition for atrophy is “losing muscle because you are not using it.” In other words, muscles tend to weaken and go through deterioration when they are not used.
Several years ago I came up with a title for an article piece I never developed: “The Catastrophe of Atrophy.” However, atrophy only becomes a catastrophe when we fail to retrain muscles we haven’t used in a while. To avoid atrophy, we have to get moving. Our study mentions four different movements that can keep us from becoming spiritually crippled. They will also help us develop more stamina as we strive to be better “body builders.”
Has your endurance lost its edge? Don’t get discouraged. Rejoice! You can take measures to “avoid atrophy.” We often feel physically and spiritually challenged. We’ve all had days when we felt crawling out of bed was a major accomplishment. Today’s verse, more or less says, rejoice anyway. It’s hard to complain when we stop and rejoice about something.
I have upper body limitations, but, when I think how fortunate I am to have strong legs, I must rejoice. As you face various circumstances, try moving your lips and raising your hands to rejoice.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Texas field worker Judy Smith who is involved in sharing the Good News at the 2012 Olympic Games.