Fits of Excitement

“…There are no joyful celebrations in the house of our God” (Joel 1:16 NLT).

A sinner saved receives honorable mention in between announcements and special singing.
A past forgiven and a future insured is applauded then given the handshake of fellowship.
A backslider is welcomed amidst the whispered condemnations.
Chains of bondage are loosed at our altars and we fret over parking spots at the crowded restaraunt because service times have exceeded what’s normal.
A child of God birthed into the church family is left to fend for herself when it comes to discipleship and training.

What’s wrong with our churches? We can whoop and holler during church night at the ballfield. We can certainly call attention to matters of importance when it comes to elected officials and wronged family members.  We can belt out all four verses of “Amazing Grace,” regardless of whether it still amazes us.  So, what’s wrong with our churches?

Maybe it’s not like that at your church. Congratulations!
Maybe there’s nothing happening at all. No excitement. No enthusiasm. No growth. No moving of the Holy Spirit. Nothing. Barely a pulse. I’m so very sorry to hear it.

Want to change that? Want to see some zeal in your pews? Want souls saved? Families restored? Lives experiencing life? It starts with you.

When you and I get excited about God, what He’s doing, what He can do, what we’re believing Him for, what changes He’s brought about in our lives, when what He says to us during our prayer times and our times in the Word thrills us to no end—others will become excited.

It starts with us. A joyful celebration starts with you and me.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Praise God for the recent announcement that FWBIM missionaries currently stateside due to lack of missionary funding can now return to their fields of service.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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