“At that time Hanani the seer came to King Asa and told him, Because you have put your trust in the king of Aram instead of in the Lord your God, you have missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of Aram” (2 Chronicles 16:7 NLT).
Ever read the book, The Prayer of Jabez? Remember the chapter that talks about the gentleman getting to heaven, being shown around and arriving at the doors of a large warehouse? A warehouse filled to the top with box upon box of blessings intended for the gentleman but never received because he didn’t ask?
That’s what I thought of this morning as I read about King Asa. He missed an opportunity to see God at work, to watch all Heaven break loose, to be caught up in the midst of a miracle—but he chose to place his trust, his hope, his thoughts perhaps, on someone other than God.
That scares me to death!
What part of God’s plans, miracles or wonders am I willing to miss out on? What blessings am I able to afford to pass up?
Will I choose to rest my head upon my checkbook or a fistful of cold, hard cash?
Will I place everything on the promises of another fallible human?
Will I determine to be joy-filled and peace-filled just because I have a certain someone in my life?
I do not want to miss my chance to hold a blessing, to conquer my enemy, to grow in the favor of the Lord—just by placing my trust and heart somewhere other than in God.
What about you?
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for youth leaders and youth ministers today as they seek to influence young lives for Christ.