“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6).
Two of the factors that may contribute to spiritual atrophy are worry and stress. They often lead to depression which is just as crippling. To paraphrase a statement I once read in an article by Max Lucado, “Worry is a sin because it displays a lack of trust in God.
I remember the children’s chorus, “Why Worry (When You Can Pray)” We could reverse that into, “Why bother to pray if you’re going to worry?
It’s been a real discipline for me, but, I’ve tried to use the following as this year’s slogan: “Let God know, then let it go.”
We must learn worry and stress are components of wasted energy. Channel that energy into prayer. We can move past our problems if we learn to exercise trust.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Remember Lisa Bowden, Arkansas State WAC president in prayer as she begins a new school year. Pray that God would give her and other Christian educators strength, endurance and opportunity to shine as lights and influence lives.