“And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called his name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael” (Genesis 16:15).
Hagar, the Egyptian slave had become a secondary wife to Abram. Sarai had been barren and in her impatience, used a surrogate to obtain God’s covenant child. Hagar was used as a means to hurry God’s plan. In the midst of Hagar’s adversity God saw her distress and heard her cries. He made a promise to her which is found in Genesis 16:10.
I found the following at a website, www.bible.org “The name of Hagar’s child served to commemorate the compassion of God for the afflicted. Ishmael means literally, ‘God hears.’ Even when it is the chosen of God who are the source of affliction, God hears and cares for the down-trodden. This truth did much to carry Hagar through the difficult years that lay ahead.”
Many times in life we grow impatient waiting on an answer from God. In the process we run ahead of Him. God wants what is best for us. However, too many times we fail to wait for this.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for deacons and their families during this busy season.