“And the angel of the Lord said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude. And she called the name of the Lord that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me?” (Genesis 16: 10, 13).
Our study begins with the appearance to Hagar by an angel of the Lord. We have briefly touched on this already. Our writer gives an excellent description of the runaway Hagar. I agree, the hardest thing Hagar would have to do is swallow her pride and go back to her mistress.
I like another statement by our study writer: “Hagar acknowledged that she had been with God.” You may be experiencing a desert situation just like Hagar. You feel so empty and helpless. Take note. God sees you and hears your cries. Reach out and take Him by the hand. He gave Hagar hope for the future. He offers you hope as well.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that messages presented in Christmas plays and cantatas yesterday would continue to speak to hearts and challenge lives with the gospel.