
“You have seen everything the Lord your God has done for you during my lifetime.  The Lord your God has fought for you against your enemies.  I have allotted to you as an inheritance all the land of the nations yet unconquered, as well as the land of those we have already conquered—from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.  This land will be yours, for the Lord your God will drive out all the people living there now.  You will live there instead of them, just as the Lord your God promised you”  (Joshua 23:3-5 NLT).

It doesn’t take long sitting in any Sunday School class, prayer meeting or gathering of God’s kids to realize that some of us are going through some trying times—some wilderness experiences, some desert wanderings, some very low valleys.

Just to encourage your heart, I want you to remember:  This is not all there is.

God has planned for us some of the most lovely mountaintops.  Places where we can see the heights to which He’s enabled us to climb.  Spots where we seem closer to Him than we’ve ever been.

God also has in store for us some very fertile river land.  Acres upon acres of land waiting for us to use in producing fruit.

Another piece of prime real-estate He has set aside for us?  Beach-front property.  For the Israelites, it was the promise of the Mediterranean.  For us, it’s the vastness of the beach, the calming effects of the waves, the relaxation of the sunshine and fresh air—faith, peace and joy.

Which land deal are you settling for?

Think He won’t come through on His end of the bargain?  Think back to the detours He’s walked you through, the scenery He’s allowed you to view, the souveniers of faith He’s allowed you accumulate over the years of traveling.

Will you keep traveling towards what He’s promised to you?  Won’t it be worth it?  Come on, fellow traveler—let’s keep moving towards the Promised Land.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for these missionary moms-to-be: Lydie Teague, Mandi Morgan, Dana Portell, and Miriam Bishop.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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