“After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10 NLT).
Imagine seeing the mighty wall of water and walking across a parted sea. Imagine tasting the first flake of manna. Imagine the seventh trip around Jericho. Imagine hearing for yourself the report of the Promised Land and seeing the cluster of grapes hanging between the two scouts.
Imagine not being amazed by all this nor awed enough to pass it on to your children. Imagine failing to tell your kids all the mighty works of God, works you’d seen with your own two eyes. Imagine not bothering to teach your children that Yahweh had provided, had sustained, had lead and had demanded wholehearted worship.
Imagine a grandchild not knowing the words to “Jesus Loves Me.”
Imagine a niece or nephew of yours not knowing about the little man named Zaccheus who climbed a tree.
Imagine a child of yours not spending an eternity in Heaven.
This sad verse encourages me to continue every effort to raise my son in a Christian home. God has stirred my heart to invest more time and effort into this hugely important task. And as for something easy to digest…He’s put it pretty plainly in front of me: I cannot depend upon anyone other than myself to introduce Christ to my child.
It’s worth every effort. It’s worth every moment. It’s worth every struggle Sunday morning and Wednesday night. It’s worth it every time we pause to pray instead of rushing into the meal. It’s worth repeating…and repeating…and repeating.
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for faithfulness in sharing the wonders of God with the next generation both in your family and your church family.