“That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world†(Philippians 2:15).
In the May-June issue of the TWG magazine, editor, Sarah Fletcher, shared an interesting article on the subject of “Light Keepers.†Within her writing she mentioned about light keepers being “guardians of light.†God has called “Light-Keepers†to places at home and abroad. We call them missionaries. However, we all have a responsibility to share the Light of God’s love, blooming wherever we are planted. Several years ago, a secular song had these words, “you can’t be a beacon if your light don’t shine.†Can others find their way safely to God by the light of your testimony?
I love the beautiful hymn, “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning.†It likens the lost to being like a “fainting, struggling seaman, you may rescue, you may save.†As a “light-keeper,†you can lead others to the One who can save them by His grace. Daily you must look to the True Light to keep His light within you shining brightly. There are many “crooked and perverse†people who may be looking to you to lead them to safety.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for Lorene Miley, dramatist at WNAC’s Monday afternoon tea.
It is so true that we need to show forth the light that is within us. Often we say of a particular person that “they light just shined ’round about them” or “her face was aglow” or “his eyes were brightly shining.” It is an outward manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling and outward working from our hearts and minds.
Thanks so much for reminding us that our lights must shine in this dark world to illuminate the way for others to come to the Savior. I’ll be looking for some twinkling lights today – in myself also!