“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).
In the Old Testament we find stringent dietary laws. For us, we must remember the words of today’s verse.
I attend meetings each Thursday morning to encourage me to eat sensibly and keep my weight down. My health issues make it necessary. I haven’t always been that careful about what I was doing to my body. Piling up my plate at buffet tables wasn’t healthy for me, and God surely wasn’t glorified in that.
We may have food habits we need to break. Our Enemy wants us to keep them and not be convicted and change. Let’s show him what we can do through the power of God.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray CHE (Community Health and Evangelism) efforts in Côte d’Ivoire will result in many lives saved—physically and spiritually. As Christian Ivoirians are trained in the techniques and principles of CHE, pray they will share God’s gift to mankind as they teach villages how to protect their water supply, garden effectively and so on. Pray many villages previously closed to the gospel will open their doors to CHE and the Living Word.