(Since the Fall Treasure studies focus on Women Jesus Healed, this week we will feature testimonies of a few Women Active for Christ who have also been healed.)
For those who are acquainted with me, you may be surprised at the title of my testimony.
On November 13, 1996, I had disabling neck surgery followed by a light stroke. I prayed, as others did, for a complete recovery. I praise God I recovered from the stroke. However, that’s where the physical healing stopped. I desired a full recovery. It didn’t happen. But something greater happened. God healed me spiritually.
In the days immediately following the surgery and stroke, I really felt like I was spiritually wounded. How would I go on serving the Lord ? How would I continue being a needed caregiver for my husband (now deceased)? I couldn’t even pray. Though I never want to give the devil credit, he had me feeling pretty worthless. Both immediate and church families and friends were encouraging me and praying for me, but I needed more. I had to surrender myself, with my lack of faith, to the One who was standing right where I left Him. I just didn’t stop to realize He was just a prayer away.
From that time on, I’ve sought to depend on the Lord. I’ve learned to place my hand firmly in His to help me through times of adversity since my surgery. The more I lean on Him, the more I feel my burden gets lighter. God is bigger than anything I will ever have to face.
I have upper body limitations because of nerve damage in my neck and shoulders. This has affected my posture. As I worked on the September devotionals, I could sense Miss Liberty’s pain. Hers was far worse than mine. Like Miss Liberty, I desire that others not define me by my limits. Writing last week’s devotional about Paul’s “thorn in the flesh,” I identified and rejoiced, knowing I have also learned the sufficiency of God’s grace. I’ve been writing for Jesus since 1973. Through the years, WNAC has been an outlet for my writing ministry and I am humbled. Yet it would have all been over 17 years ago if God hadn’t reached down and healed me spiritually.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for strength, health, and joy for Mrs. Billie Sexton (widowed former missionary to France) as she continues to battle extensive health needs and recovers from injuries sustained in a fall.