“I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him” (Hosea 4:14).
Healing Love
Within my heart’s door I can see your face clearly,
Taking my hand and leading me to the cross.
I bow down to worship your holy name.
In the cries that shatter the night, I come to you
From seas beyond the furthest imagination.
Wash my heart in your blood that has cleansed me from all sin.
When the wings of the dove are broken,
You will take it in your hands and it will be healed.
In confusion and doubt your love
Will cushion the fall of life spiraling down out of control.
Yes, I come to you with all that is within me;
Without you I am a speck of dust meaning nothing.
You are my meaning, my soul and my home.
In you there is nothing lost, but gained.
Even when my eyes cannot see the light, you will be my eyes.
When I cannot hear and rejoice in the sounds of the birds,
I will hear your voice and smile.
You are the only thing that can bring us through
the winds that rock the boat. In you the boat will become
a majestic force that can conquer all the world.
(WNAC Creative Arts entry 2009)
Rebecca Marler
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for missionaries Nate and Jenna Altom, working together with Tom and Pam Jones (Jenna’s parents) to establish a church in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.