“As for God, His way is perfect…” (Psalm 18:30).
At 1:45 a.m. on the morning of August 14, 2013, I got the long-anticipated call from The Medical University of South Carolina, my transplant center, that a matching kidney had been found for me, and that I should immediately come to Charleston for the transplant surgery. This story had actually begun over 18 years before when I was diagnosed with the beginning stages of kidney failure. My disease had progressed gradually, but two and one-half years ago I was placed on the waiting list at MUSC and Georgia Health Sciences. I had started dialysis eight weeks earlier. During all those years, and all those tests, and all that blood work (including monthly vials to each hospital to be tested as potential donors became available), God continued to assure me that He had my life in His hands. Once my name was placed on the list, my sister Mona, my daughter Kristi, and my fellow church member, Terry, began the process of being tested to give me a kidney. It was a very humbling experience for someone to offer to donate a kidney to me. One by one, each of them was disqualified for various reasons, along with six other friends who were eliminated at the first step of being a blood match. You see, the blood is a very important qualification for life, both physical and spiritual. Let me back up here and remind you that a “Friend that Sticketh Closer than a Brother” had already taught me this lesson at the age of twelve when our Savior, Jesus Christ, who had laid down His life for my sins and had shed His precious blood, gave me Eternal Life.
What I term the Transplant Miracles began with that call. The fact that Kristi, Tim and the kids were visiting with us and were scheduled to leave for the airport at 6 a.m. that morning was Miracle #2. You see, God’s Perfect Timing was just that – PERFECT.
(tomorrow—the story continues)
Faye Hanna
South Carolina
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray strength and God’s guidance for any in your church or community awaiting a transplant surgery or involved in ongoing medical treatments.