It’s You, Isn’t It?

“You were getting along so well.  Who has interfered with you to hold you back from following the truth?”  (Galatians 5:7 NLT).

It’s someone’s fault; that’s to be noted up front. It always is.

But who should we blame when our Christian walks wander off the prescribed path? When our Bible time is pushed aside day after day and week after week?  When our prayer life becomes non-existent?  When missing another church service is easier this Sunday than last?  When our attitudes stick and our influence is less than godly?

Should we blame our pastors?  Our Sunday School teachers? Our parents and our pasts, even though the majority of us are grown, make-our-own-choices adults? Our society?
Or (hold on now),  should we place the blame where the blame lies…in ourselves?

We are the only ones capable of giving our time and attentions away.  We determine where to spend our time, what to do with what we know and who will set our attitudes for the day.

Hmmm, so when Paul asks whose fault it is, why we’re wavering in our faith—does he already know the answer?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for David in his final day of teaching in a Central Asian country. Pray those whom he’s taught and trained will know greater effectiveness in ministry. Pray for safety as he journeys home tomorrow.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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