Read Mark 5:25-34.
Today’s verses are Mark’s version of the story of the woman with the issue of blood. This week we will focus on why confession plays a part in this woman’s healing. It is amazing to me that people use Christ as a last resort. I remember reading a pamphlet in a doctor’s office about chronic pain that included a list of ways to deal with pain. Last on the list was, “Turn things over to God.” This should be first not last. We want to analyze God’s delay; in doing this, our thinking gets distorted.
The woman in our story was past figuring out things on her own. She believed if she could just touch His garment, she could be made whole. The multitude may have contained people as desperate as she, but her last thread of hope lay in touching His garment. She may have had only the faith of a mustard seed, but that would be enough. That faith would lead to her spiritual and physical healing; the moment she touched His garment, she was immediately healed.
It’s wonderful to know He knows our names and what we need. When we get to the point where we surrender all to the Lord, God can work a miracle in our lives as well.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Pray for expectant moms Alicia Crowe (November, Japan) and Rachel (November, THP Spain). Both Alicia and Rachel have had difficult pregnancies and deliveries in the past. Pray moms and babies remain healthy. Ask God to provide safe deliveries.