“A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children” (Proverbs 13:22a).
What are some of the things your grandparents left you? I’m not talking about money or worldly goods but integrity, good character and Christian faith. My fathers parents were older in my growing up years and lived a great distance from us, but I did learn a lot from them. I am told out of 34 grandchildren I am most like my grandmother. For hours I sat and watched in silence my grandmother iron and exchange a cooled iron for a nice hot one that was sitting around the fireplace. In her 80’s grandmother carried two buckets of water from the well three times a day for cooking and cleaning. I lost them both when I was 20. They were almost 90. I never had the opportunity to let them know the inheritance they left me. All the years I observed Isaac and Mary Elizabeth they were training a future pastor’s wife. Now at 60 I wonder what I will leave my six grandchildren. Am I leaving them good Christian values and character? When I make my journey to heaven I hope they will remember maw maw loved Jesus with all her heart and that my prayer for them is they would accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
LaCrecia McFaddin
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as you study and meditate on Scriptures and teachings from the September-October TWG study, “Understanding the Person Within You.”