This week ends WNAC’s online daily devotionals.* As I bid farewell to the daily blog, I wanted to share my heart. Thank you, Sarah, for allowing me to do so. Looking back, I remember joining what was then called Woman’s Auxiliary in May, 1967. At that time, only married women could join. We had lots of rules and a standard of achievement. We were the missionary arm of the church. We were sisters in Christ striving to find our place in the Great Commission. WNAC has never veered from its purpose of helping women to find their fit in Christ’s final command (Matthew 28:19-20) Back then, I was struggling to find God’s will for my life. Being part of a local auxiliary would eventually help me discover what He wanted me to do for His Glory.
I loved going to local and district meetings and retreats. I was challenged as I met and listened to missionaries home on furlough and other speakers. I enjoyed the WNAC publications and all their features—first, CoLaborer, then Together With God, and today, Treasure.
As I reflect on days gone by, I’m very grateful for all the role models first in Auxiliary, then in Women Active for Christ. Their encouragement and mentoring gave me confidence to step up and take an office when necessary. Tomorrow I will continue to share.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for FWBIM General Director Clint Morgan, his wife Lynette and the IM family, as they face end of the year financial challenges.
Beginning next week, WNAC will no longer post daily devotionals on this site. However, you can find daily posts on WNAC’s Facebook page.