“…But ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father†(Romans 8:15).
I have talked with people who have been adopted. They feel very special because someone chose them to live in their family. They have the same rights and privileges as if they were naturally born into that family. In a sense, this is a picture of us when we are born into the family of God. By the grace of God, we “have received the Spirit of adoption.†We can have a close family relationship with God by this adoption. Just like an earthly adoption, the adopted one shares in any inheritance as well. Someday we’re going to be “joint-heirs†with Jesus. Until Christ’s return we have been given the privilege to “cry Abba, Father.†Some commentaries translate this phrase as “Daddy.†We would never think of calling Him that but isn’t it wonderful to know we can have that close of a relationship?
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Take time to reflect on September’s TWG study. Have you felt the Holy Spirit’s presence?