Daily Devotional Monday 2-12-07

Choose The Good

Isaiah 7:15

“Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.”

My three-year-old grandson is quickly learning there are bad cartoons and good cartoons. I explain why the bad cartoons are not good for little eyes and ears. When I scan the stations he now says; “Not good.” There is so much evil on TV and electronic devices these days a parent has to keep up with the evil their children may encounter. Often we have to choose the good for them, but they will soon learn to make these choices on their own. Jesus preached against evil. He made it clear there was no room for good and evil to dwell together. Our parental guide is the Holy Bible—Holy Spirit inspired Scriptures that can help us raise our children and grandchildren. Let’s read, read, read, because the days are evil. And we are responsible to provide the good God has in store for our precious little ones.

LaCrecia McFaddin


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