Anger Management

“Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down on your wrath: Neither give place to the devil” (Ephesians 4:26-27).

Even the strongest in the faith have to let off steam.  However, if or when our anger gets out of control, this creates another heart problem. It might even spill over into a physical one.

We’re familiar with the story of Jesus clearing the temple.  Was He angry?  Sure He was. He had every right to be.  How could He ignore what was happening to His Father’s house?  He took care of the situation and that was the end of that.  Can we deal with matters that anger us and let them go?

Often times we don’t function that way.  The sun goes down and we’re still angry.  If we haven’t learned to turn everything over to God, we are going to suffer a heart attack—the attack of Satan who stands ready to laugh when we fall down.  Heed the words in today’s Scripture and don’t let the devil win.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Praise God for national pastors who remain steadfast despite trials and temptations.

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Put On the New

“And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.  Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another”  (Ephesians 4:24-25).

You are a new creation in Christ.  You should not want to cover up that new garment with the rags of your old life.  God has given you a new heart and hope.  Your actions with those around you should reflect that.  What you say shouldn’t speak louder than what you do.

Changes in you may seem gradual, at first. But the more of the old you get rid of, the more room you will have to let the new grow. This transferal of old to new is a lifelong process for us all. Be honest—especially with other believers. Don’t say things that will hurt them because, in essence, you will hurt yourself as well.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Ask God for courage to always be obedient to His Spirit. May we die daily to self.


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Put Off the Old

“If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed  in the spirit of you mind”  (Ephesians 4:21-23).

We find the basic theme of Ephesians 4 in the phrase, “living the new life.”  We’ve admitted a heart problem, identified the root of the problem, and God, through His grace, has remedied the problem. Now what?  Where do we go from here? This week we will seek to learn, through Ephesians 4, how to keep on living our new life in Christ.  We know from experience that this doesn’t happen overnight.  However, from time to time, we should take inventory. If we are walking with Jesus every day, we won’t have to worry about new problems or a relapse resulting from old ones.  Reassessment is necessary to see how far we have come since our last checkup. Maybe we still need to make some changes.

Spiritually speaking, we must put off the old. If our lifestyle hasn’t changed one bit since we found the Lord, we have some problems.  If we are still clinging to old habits that could be affecting our heart condition, get rid of them. Allow God to recreate us in His image. This doesn’t have to be a painful procedure—unless we refuse to let go of the “old man.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: “Lord, I praise You today for the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. May we ever keep our hearts tender toward You.  Amen.”

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Building for the Future

“David said, My son Solomon is still young and inexperienced, and the Temple of the Lord must be a magnificent structure, famous and glorious throughout the world.  So I will begin making preparations for it now.  So David collected vast amounts of building materials before his death”  (1 Chronicles 22:5 NLT).

God had told David that he wasn’t going to be the one to build this great house of worship.  That didn’t stop David from continuing to serve, and doing it wholeheartedly.  David was, in fact, thrilled his son would have the job.  So thrilled, he began warehousing the materials Solomon would need.

Are you doing the same?

The young people in your life, whether your own children or those belonging to someone else—are you preparing for their future?  Are you stockpiling what they’ll need to walk/live/carry out godly lives?

Are you working on a good name for yourself?  There’s nothing that builds a future like being told at a casket what a fine person the world has just lost.  Words like that provoke those left to carry on the tradition.  What will folks say about you?

Are you gathering up evidence that points to you having an impecable reputation?  Stories float around.  Tales last longer than we like.  What will the accounts of your life add to the character of those coming after you?

Are you striving towards godliness?  If someone were to be asked to describe you, what words would they use?  Loving?  Caring?  Self-centered?  Hateful?  What inscribed building blocks will there be ready for your predecessors to use in building their lives with Christ?

Are you leaving behind the habit of prayer?  Are you instituting the common sight of an open Bible in your hands? Are you constantly and continually practicing the art of praise?

You, whether you want to or not, are providing building materials for the next generation to build upon.  Be very careful what you stockpile.  Be very selective in the qualities you shelve.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER:  Lord, may the altars of our churches be stained with tears of true repentance today. Amen.

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Bright Future Ahead

“Don’t envy sinners, but always continue to fear the Lord.  For surely you have a future ahead of you, your hope will not be disappointed”  (Proverbs 23:17-18 NLT).

We’ve all done it.  We’ve grumbled about it, mumbled unkind things in reference to it and stood back scratching our heads in wonder.  Good things happen to the worst of people, and well, we don’t understand it.

We’ve all sat in a hospital room, waiting, impatiently at times, for news on a believing loved one.  A biopsy result, a test finding or a surgeon’s report.  We may have judged the answer we received against the one of the family on the other side of the room heard—and well, to the best of our estimation, thought we got the bad end of the deal.

We’ve been sidelined at work, in our families or in life in general.  Our dreams broken.  Our goals yet to be met.  And we’re called to applaud the promotion of the guy down the hallway, to work under the unbeliever in the office.

We’ve received what to us looks like a great role in the play of life, only to find our we’re the understudy to a less than desirable, foul-mouthed, never-darken-the-door-of-a-church star.

We’ve all been handed a second place ribbon at some time or another.  We’ve all been announced as runner-up.  We’ve all thought about throwing in the towel on this Christianity-thing.  Afterall, what’s it doing for us?  Where’s it gotten us?  Is anyone, anyone at all, noticing how we’ve put heart and soul into living in godliness?  All our best efforts are getting us nowhere.

Don’t.  Don’t throw in the towel.  Don’t give up on walking the straight path.  Don’t envy the lives of those living without Christ, no matter what they seem to have going for them.

Our bright future will not necessarily occur here.  All they have now, may in fact, be all they’ll ever get.  Your hope, your commitment, your determination and your work for Christ will not disappoint.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER:  Remember MKs in U.S. colleges, and also their missionary parents in your prayers.

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All Can Be Saved

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”  (Romans 10:13).

God’s prescription (salvation) is available to anyone who calls upon Him. We have reached the last mile marker on The Romans Road, but the journey doesn’t end there. It just gives us the assurance we need to begin walking other paths God has mapped out for us.

Our writer states “If you’ve already experienced salvation, reread the verses and renew your commitment to the Savior Who died for you.”  Jesus takes care of our every need, including our heart needs.

Prepare for a heart reassessment next week. Just as we go for a check up—to follow up on a physical problem, we must regularly re-evaluate our spiritual heart condition as well.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Focus your prayers today on one or more missionaries already on the fields. Most have internet access. Why not speak (write out) your prayers for them in an email? Telling someone you are praying is good, but actually sharing that prayer with them is often better.

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Confess and Believe

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).

When you are trying to maintain a heart healthy lifestyle, don’t make it difficult. Preventive measures and perhaps some life changes don’t have to be stressful. We only make it hard by not following directions.

The plan of salvation is simple. However, most people think you have to do more than is required.  The NIV Study Bible states, “Salvation involves inward belief (‘with your heart’) as well as outward confession (‘with the mouth’).”

Whether you are recovering from a physical or spiritual heart problem, avoid stress by simply following the regimen God has laid out for you in His Word.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Do you know of new missionaries going to fields of service?  Pray for these persons and send a letter or email reminding them of your support—both financially and through daily prayers.

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