A Matter of Life and Death

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

If you have ever had a heart attack or know someone who has, time is not always on your side. You must listen to the warning signals your brain is giving you. Getting immediate help is vital. Then you must help yourself recover after any procedure to correct the problem.

People need the Lord.  If your heart is not right with God, you may need Him, too. God loves you and sent His Son to die for you. He made a way so you can live an abundant life. He promises you a home in Heaven. His Spirit is there to woo you back when you stray.  You must choose to accept Him and His gift of eternal life.  Or if you reject Him, you will suffer the consequences of sin for eternity. Choose His plan of salvation. It’s a matter of life and death.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Is your midweek prayer service poorly attended? Pray about this and seek the Lord’s guidance concerning ways you can encourage others to come. 

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Christ Died to Save Sinners

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

How you would feel if you took your heart problem to your doctor, and he told you there was nothing that could be done for you?  You would become rather depressed.  Life would lose its meaning.  The same applies to a sin-stained heart without the grace of God.

If the book of Romans ended at yesterday’s verse (Romans 3:23), how hopeless life would become. We would be doomed to eternal torment in the pits of hell.  Yet, God saw our plight, and in love and mercy gave His only begotten Son to die for us.  We were shackled in our sins, but He made a way to set the captive free.  Praise God!

Sue Winchester


Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER:Lord, may my life be all YOU desire.  I’m totally yours, so mold, make, bend or break as you wish for Your glory. Amen.”


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We Are All Sinners

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Once we recognize a heart problem, we must determine the answers to some difficult questions. Is the problem hereditary? What factors contributed to this problem? Did the problem originate at birth? From a spiritual viewpoint, today’s verse answers the last question.  Yes, we have a congenital heart problem—thanks to the original sin. We are born with a sin nature.  Yet, thanks be unto God for His treatment plan for the heart’s greatest need—salvation.
Most heart patients learn the benefits of doing some form of exercise.  Walking is best, and this week we are going to be walking The Romans Road.  You may have walked this path before, but sometimes we need to hit that trail again. Maybe this time you can ask others to join you.   At the end of that road lies the beginning of an abundant life in Christ.  Knowing He stands ready to walk with us the rest of our journey should fill our hearts with joy . Others need this hope as much as we do.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Does your church schedule a fall revival?  Pray about needs; ask God to reveal how you might be a spark to ignite the flame.

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“Yes, I’m telling you these things now, so that when they happen, you will remember I warned you…”  (John 16:4 NLT).

He told you in His Word it probably wouldn’t be a rose garden.
Worth it? Yes.  Truly enjoyable at all times? No.

He told you in His Word the road you’d travel would not be easy.
Straight and narrow? Yes.  Easy? No.

He told you in His Word that every day would not be sunny.
That He is in control of every day?  Yes.  Bright all the time? No.

He told you if you lived for Him, you wouldn’t be the life of the party in the world’s eyes.
His? Yes.  Pleasing to the world? No.

He told you health, wealth and happiness might not come your way.
Love, comfort and peace? Heaven? Eternity? Yes.
The life of leisure? No.

He warned us.  He told us.  He wrote to us.  He spoke to our hearts.  He has allowed us to watch testimonies being built from the ground up in the lives of saints and new believers.


Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER:  Praise God for the freedom we Americans have in attending church.  Remember the many who do not share this freedom.

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The Big Table

“Whatever is specially set apart for the Lord also belongs to you”  (Numbers 18:14 NLT).

I don’t know what event or occurrence ushered you from childhood into the grown-up world, but for me it was being allowed to sit at the big table.

For big meals at both of my grandparents’ homes, the kids had special accommodations.   At Grandma Browning’s house the little ones sat on the front porch either on the glider or at low tables Grandpa set up just for us.  At Grandma Lawrence’s house we sat on the staircase with our plates perched precariously on our little laps.

I’m almost certain each of my cousins remembers as vividly as I do, the special day he or she was invited to the big table.  The awe.  The excitement.  The jealous looks from the smaller cousins.  The conversations.  The platters of food.  Getting to sit by Grandma or Grandpa.

We used every single manner we could muster.  We used the butter knife with finesse.  We passed the dishes like a pro.  We gingerly used the salt and pepper shaker because it was there, not because anything needed it.  We drank from the real glasses. Being deemed worthy of the big table was a special occasion for us all.

And today?  Those years are long passed. But this morning I read that I’ve been considered worthy by my Lord.  He has included me.  He has endowed me with special rights.  He has chosen me to receive more than I deserve or could expect.  He has cleaned me up and dressed me for dinner.  He has seated me at the big table with Him.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for an elderly friend who isn’t able to attend church services. Try to spend some time with this person in this next week if possible.

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A Heart’s Prayer

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10).

At one time, David had a major heart problem.  He didn’t seek treatment right away. However, Psalm 51 shows us how he remedied it. His repentant prayer brought him to the One who would forgive his sin and make him whole again.

You can receive heart healing today if you will pray as David did.  You will have taken two of the biggest steps to recovery—recognizing your heart problem and desiring to do something about it.   In the remaining weeks of our study, we will see how we can become and remain heart healthy.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER:  Offer prayer support today for Christian teachers/leaders in both public and private schools.

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Fill Up With Good

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law”   (Galatians 5:22-23).

Often times a heart problem can be remedied with a minimal surgical procedure. It involves removing whatever is blocking the heart from operating properly. In worst cases, doctor’s perform open heart surgery.  Once anything bad is removed, patients must follow a doctor’s orders to prevent this from happening again. He will advise good things to help strengthen the heart.

As our writer aptly stated, “If these spiritual traits are not growing in our lives, then chances are, we have a problem.”  If God were to do open heart surgery on you, what would He find?  Would there be room to fill your heart with the beneficial things mentioned in today’s Scripture?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Does your child or a child you know ride a bus to school?  Offer prayers today for the driver.  Why not send a treat with a note to let this driver know you’re praying for his safety and well being.

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