Hell is Real

“And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom” (Luke 16:23).

We are familiar with the story of the rich man and Lazarus.  The rich man had it all in this life.  Poor Lazarus was a beggar who “laid at his gate full of sores.”  The biggest difference between the two men was Lazarus was ready to meet the Lord when he died.  The rich man was so consumed with wealth and luxury, he forgot to prepare for eternity.

Our verse is speaking of the rich man’s destiny.  Hell is real.  Just ask the rich man.  He was in great torment in the flames of hell.  Lifting up his eyes and seeing Lazarus at peace and rest in “Abraham’s bosom” surely added to his torment.

We don’t want to think about a place of eternal torment.  The reality of hell will be felt by those who reject the Eternal Light.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for new believers. Allow God to use you in mentoring new converts in your church. Pray as missionaries teach by word/example.

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Hell is Outer Darkness

“But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth”  (Matthew 8:12).

For the month of April our study is titled, “Eternal Light.”  Our writer states, “Often we understand something better when we examine the opposite.”  This week we will concentrate on eternal darkness.

The subject of hell is not a pleasant one. Many people have a distorted view of a holy and just God.  Our study writer states this about hell, “It is the rightful punishment for those who choose darkness over light.”  The Bible contains many warnings about this horrible place called hell. I couldn’t word the following statements any better than our writer: “First, we are given incentive to avoid this place, to make sure our salvation and secure our home in Heaven.  We do not want to go to hell.  The truth about hell also gives us incentive to tell those who are lost and dying. We don’t want our loved ones to go there either.”

I read several commentaries about today’s verse. I decided to glean from Matthew Henry’s writings.  Upon first read, the verse sounds like a contradiction. However,  Matthew Henry explains it like this, “the Jews that persist in unbelief, though they were by birth children of the kingdom, yet shall be cut off from being members of the visible church, the kingdom of God, of which they boasted that they were children, shall be taken from them, and they shall become not a people, not obtaining mercy.  In the great day it will not avail men to have been children of the kingdom, either as Jews or as Christians, for men will then be judged, not by what they were called, but by what they are.”  Come Friday I will elaborate more on those who assume they’ll make Heaven, only to hear the most terrifying words, “Sorry, I never knew you.”  These persons will be cast into outer darkness to spend eternity where the “Son” will never shine.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray God would send forth laborers into His harvest. Are you one of God’s laborers? Examine your heart. Are you willing to go?

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All-Powerful God

“Look, God is all-powerful…”  (Job 36:22 NLT).

Job’s friends were not known for their helpful words.  I’m no theologian, but I believe the visit from his cronies may have been another part of Job’s testing. They condemned Job.  They belittled Job.  They suggested Job had brought all his troubles upon himself.  They were of little use in consoling Job once they opened their mouths.  But on occasion, a lot like each of us, they did say something profound….”Look, God is all-powerful…”

God, having all power available to Him, is able to accomplish anything we could ask and more.  God, being the Source from which all power comes, is capable of using anything to bring about His perfect plan.

What we tend to forget (and Job’s friend Elihu’s words reminded me) is the One holding the power is the One specifying where that power will be used.

Will He use it to bring about healing?

Will He use it to bring a life back to Him?

Will He use it to bring forth a miracle of grand proportion?

Will He use it to bring about revival within, and in turn, without—in His church?

The answer is yes. He will use His power in all those areas—when He deems it the proper time.  When the audiences are gathered to witness His greatness, when hearts and minds are in line with what he wishes them to see, when the time is right for those of us watching for the miracles to see clearly and without a doubt that it’s ALL Him.

God is all-powerful.  Aren’t you glad about that?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Read Luke 12:16-21. Are you in the process of building bigger barns? Pray concerning God’s will for His abundant provisions.

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Ignoring Donkeys

“If you see the donkey of someone who hates you struggling beneath a heavy load, do not walk by.  Instead, stop and offer to help”  (Exodus 23:5 NLT).

I have to tell you upfront, although I live in the country, I don’t have any neighbors who own donkeys.  Of all the people who even strongly dislike me, none I know own donkeys, either.  I will admit, that literally speaking, I could just write this verse off as “speaking to another”…you know, another believer who has neighbors who own donkeys.

But that’s not the point, is it?

Would a donkey, in today’s time, be the car that won’t start?  The lawnmower that’s not running smoothly?  The dog that continually visits our yard?  The wind blown trash that seems to end up on our side of the line?  Could it be the plant on a person’s front porch needing water?  The laundry that’s come unpinned from the clothesline?

I can continue being oblivious to the happenings around me that might offer opportunities for sharing Him, or I can jump in with both feet.  I can beg and plead Him to give me a mission field, or I can open my eyes to the one He’s already provided—next door.

I’m going to stop ignoring donkeys.  What about you?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for generous, cheerful givers to the World Missions Offering. Ask God to begin with you.

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Redemptive Light

“And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven” (Acts 9:3).

Throughout the month of March we have focused on the need for God’s “Redemptive Light.” Jesus, the true Light came to the world to meet that need.  Once we are freed from the powers of darkness, He fills us with His Spirit so we can be a light for others to find their way to God.

One ofthe best examples of God’s redemptive light is found in the conversion of Saul.  He persecuted Christians. He stood by as Stephen was stoned.  He was sincere in what he thought and believed, but he was sincerely wrong.  Once he saw the light, he was never the same.  He went on to become one of God’s choicest servants.  If you have been illuminated by God’s marvelous Light, you know the transformation that has taken place.

With the light of His love flowing through you, you can make a difference in your world. Paul certainly did.   Paul accomplished much for God’s glory.  He never missed a chance to share his personal testimony.  You have the gospel to share and your testimony to give. Will you use them to shine for Jesus?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Missionary Jim Elliott said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Are you striving to give more than to keep? Make this a matter of prayer.

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Keep on Shining

“Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately” (Luke 12:35-36).

As I write today’s devotional, I ‘m thinking about the old Fanny  Crosby  hymn, “Will Jesus Find Us Watching?”  Is your lamp still filled with oil, giving out light to  those still in darkness?  Are you ready and excited for the Lord’s return?  Maybe you feel kind of “burned out.”  Maybe it’s time for Him to give you some fresh oil so you can keep on shining until His return.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: God does not comfort us so we’ll be comfortable; we are comforted by God so we might be comforters. Pray to comfort others.

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Children of Light

“Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness”  (1 Thessalonians 5:5).

We once were children of darkness.  Our deeds were evil, so covered we them with darkness. Thanks be unto God and His redemptive light. We have been changed and no longer desire to walk in darkness.  We will want to reflect that change with deeds we don’t have to hide.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Are you hurting? Claim the promise of Romans 8:18 in prayer.

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