Spiritual Gifts

“Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:4).

Often times a bride and groom receive an abundance of gifts.  They may have to store some of them, making room for the essentials they will need right away.

God not only gave the greatest Gift to mankind, He continues to give spiritual gifts to those who receive that Gift.  All gifts are determined by the Holy Spirit.  They are as unique and diverse as the individuals who receive them.  I’ve often used the illustration of a jigsaw puzzle.  Its many pieces fitly joined together make a beautiful picture.

You may not always know where you fit in with the body of Christ.  God sees your potential better than you do.  Take time to read and study 1 Corinthians 12.

Pray for His guidance, walking by faith as He bestows blessings and gifts upon you. Once I found what God wanted me to do with my life, I found I had accumulated other gifts.  I store them away until I need to use them. And God blesses me with opportunities to use them, so they won’t have to stay in storage very long.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Josh and Alicia Crowe as they study Japanese and adjust to the culture.

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The Greatest Gift

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

A  couple will receive a few shower or wedding gifts they will consider very special. Specialness may have nothing to do with size or cost. These gifts may be homemade items or heirlooms or something the givers made sacrifices to give.

The greatest gift ever given wasn’t for a wedding. It wasn’t for just one person or a couple.  His gift was universal and everyone who receives it become part of the “bride of Christ.” God’s gift to the world was a priceless one—one that involved great love and sacrifice.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Memorized any Scripture lately? Prayerfully consider reading and obeying Psalm 119:11.

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The Perfect Gift

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights…” (James 1:17a).

One traditional bridal benefit is the bridal shower.  Receiving gifts from family and friends as you begin your new life is fun and deeply appreciated.  Bridal registries at various stores are set up to help your loved ones find items you will want and need. By using a registry you can help eliminate the couple receiving too many duplicates.

What does our verse say about the “perfect” gift?  God doesn’t need a registry to help Him figure out what you want and need. He knows exactly what to give and when to give it (Philippians 4:19). You could possibly say, with God, it is always “showers of blessings.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for David and Kendra Dodson as they continue to study Spanish and adjust to Uruguay.

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A Little Chicken

“Let me live forever in your sanctuary safe beneath the shelter of your wings”  (Psalm 61:4 NLT).

The funniest thing is unfolding here at Edgell Acres. One of my son Isaiah’s little banty hens has decided to hatch three eggs.  If our calculations are correct, the newest members of the farm should arrive this weekend. I have learned a lot about this verse just watching her care for those eggs.
Though she’s small, she’s a ferocious protector. There’s probably not enough meat on her bones to make a decent chicken nugget, but nothing or no one can get close to those eggs. Just opening the little cage door to give her clean water and food causes a substantial ruffling of the feathers. She’s going to take care of her potential chicks no matter what. God’s like that, too. He’s on my side. He’s willing to stand between me and any enemy I have. He sees my potential and will not leave my side until I’m in a safe place where my gifts/talents/abilities can shine.

We’re not letting her in on the secret, but the three eggs she’s sitting on aren’t all hers. She’ll find it out in a few days, but I don’t think it’s going to matter. You see, when they hatch, she’s going to be the proud momma of someone who looks just like her—and two adopted children of the larger chicken breeds. And God? Well, He knows my bloodline, too. He knows I’m about as related to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as you are—but in His heart, I’m His.  You see, my adoption papers were signed in Christ’s blood—and there’s nothing more legal than that.

Little Lady is patient. It takes 21 days from egg to chick. Nothing like sitting around waiting for something to happen, is there? She’s left the eggs long enough to get drinks and small bites of food (which are placed about six inches from her nesting box), but for no other reason will she allow the eggs to be unattended. She’s committed herself to wait for those little peepers to appear, and I think if it were to take twice as long, she’d be in it for the long haul. God’s patient with me, too.  Only I know the number of times I run out from under the shelter of His wings, trying it on my own, taunting Satan with my skill, strength, and wisdom—only to be quickly running for cover when any of the three are tested.

Safe in the shelter of His wings. I’m learning there’s no better place to be.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for your father and other men who have influenced your life.

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Hand Me Downs

Aaron’s sacred garments must be preserved for his descendants who will succeed him, so they can be anointed and ordained in them”  (Exodus 29:29 NLT).

I know there are some of you who are above wearing or even accepting hand-me-downs. It’s not your style to wear someone else’s clothing. It’s not your habit to accept charitable donations. It’s not comfortable for you to be seen in previously worn apparel.

Not me. I love getting the good out of something. I consider it a blessing for someone to think of me and pass along a favorite or something that no longer fits. I adore something new to wear.

And so it is with the robes of righteousness that Aaron and those who came after him are passing on to us. Ppriestly tunics that have been worn for centuries.  Anointed and ordained gowns of grace that we’re privileged to be handed.

So, what is it God is convicting your heart to wear for His glory? Have you been turning down the offer of a robe of white? Compiling a list of reasons why you’re not cut out to be one of His priests? Thinking what He’s asking you to do is outdated or the wrong size?

Hand-me-downs like these never wear out, they’re always in style and each one is always a perfect fit.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Joe, Jim and Bill as they deal with the logistics involved in the Go10 Walk for the World.

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Submit With Honor

“Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband” (Ephesians 5:33).

If you are married to a man who has submitted himself to God and is devoted to making you happy, count your blessings.  Treat him with the honor he has earned.

Sadly, in today’s world, many couples give up too quickly in trying to make their marriages work.  Even sadder is the fact many couples have given up on God.

We must nurture our marital or spiritual relationships to keep them alive and exciting. Sometimes it takes a willingness to sacrifice time in order to make that happen. It is well worth the effort.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for TWG editor Sarah Fletcher as she speaks at the Kentucky WAC meeting today.

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Let Him Be the Head

“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God” (1 Corinthians 11:3).

Today’s verse reinforces yesterday’s devotion.  Christ earned the right to set up the submission order.  If  the formula is followed, we will have a blissful marriage.

As a widow, I miss my husband. I was accountable to for 38 years. I let him be the head of our home, because I wanted to please him and make him happy.   In return, I was well loved, and he supported whatever I did for the Lord. He never made me feel we were less than equals. Was our marriage perfect?  I don’t think there is such a thing. But we worked hard to make ours the best it could be.

We all must answer to God. Failure to submit to Him can cause strain in other relationships.  When all parties follow God’s order, imparted in today’s verse, there will be no submission problem.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for those studying in Bible institute programs worldwide.

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