Accept Your New Role

“For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body” (Ephesians 5:23).

If more married women could understand the necessity of submitting to their husband’s leadership as they submit to the Lord, many marriages could be salvaged.  With Christ submitting to God, the husband submitting to Christ, and the wife submitting to her husband, marriages would be destined for success.

If you haven’t accepted the role in your marriage according to God’s rules, trust God to give you strength and wisdom.  Once you have done that, you will find fulfillment.  This will also help you strengthen your walk with God.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Please pray for FWB Chaplain, Captain Kevin Trimble, recently deployed for a year’s duty in Afghanistan. Ask God to give Him many souls.

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Submit to a New Role

“Submitting yourselves to one another in the fear of God” (Ephesians 5:21).

Whether entering a marriage or drawing closer to God, we are facing new challenges in an ever-changing world. “God’s established roles in marriage not only still stand, but also make for successful relationships.”  We have stepped away from His standards and more women have assumed leadership roles.  Why do we always feel we have to change with the times?  There are God-given guidelines in His Word for wives and husbands as well.  If couples would follow them and work together, then maybe more homes would be havens instead of battlegrounds.

Today’s verse tells us if we would submit to one another in the fear of God, we would be more successful in our relationships.

In your relationship with God, our new role is not all about us and having everything our way.  It’s all about Him and  giving our wills over to Him. As part of His “bride” we will find true freedom and joy as we allow Him to lead and take care of us.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Neil and Mandi Morgan as they travel and raise needed support.

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Submit to God

“Submit yourselves therefore to God…” (James 4:17a).

For some reason the word “submit” seems to bring out negative feelings as couples finalize wedding plans.  Maybe it’s because they haven’t truly submitted their lives to God. Doing so will make a difference in how they view submission in other relationships.

God instituted marriage.  If both members of a couple have committed their lives to God, there will be a mutual respect.  They can work together as equals.

We are admonished in our verse to submit our will over to His.  He wants what is best for us and takes care of our daily needs.  Why wouldn’t we want to transfer our trust to Him?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: As we celebrate Flag Day, be reminded that our United States needs your prayers.

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“Examine yourselves to see if your faith is really genuine.  Test yourselves.  If you cannot tell that Jesus Christ is among you, it means you have failed the test”  (2 Corinthians 13:5 NLT)

Genuineness.  How genuine is your faith?  Now, I realize that Sunday is the worst day of the week to ask this question, but it’s been presented to me—so I pass it on to you.

Today at church, will anyone sense you are worshiping in the Spirit?  Whether or not your hands raise in the air or tears flow down your cheeks, will they know you’ve come to worship the King of Kings?

Tomorrow at work, will anyone notice Jesus in your words or actions? Will they sense a difference in you—and desire to find out just what that difference is?

Wednesday, your halfway point in the week, will your faith be as strong as it is today? Will the world have shaken you up, let you down or beaten you up? Or will your faith, three days from Sunday, still be strong?

Come Friday and Saturday, will you still pass the test for genuine faith?  Will the pastimes and hobbies that busy your weekend reflect Christian values and attitudes? Will you begin anticipating the Holy Spirit in your church services?

How genuine is your faith? How much of Christ is seen in your life? Pass or fail, friend?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Today would be a good day to prayer walk in your neighborhood. Pray for each family (or residents in the houses) on your street or road. Watch and see what God will do.

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Just How Big

“For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens.  Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds”  (Psalm 57:10 NLT).

Experts say we use only a small percentage of our brain.  Day to day tasks become so routine and habitual that we seldom stretch our minds to grasp or accomplish new things.  Sure there are the folks who crack Sudoku puzzles and fit correct words into crossword boxes, but the majority of us?  Well, most of us rarely flex our mental muscles.

I’m out to challenge your mind this morning.  No, no IQ tests or timed multiplication table quizzes.  No inkblots for you to ponder or words for you to associate.  Here is what I want you to wrap your thoughts around…

“For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens.  Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.”  Psalm 57:10

Can you grasp the heights of His love?  Can you see the boundaries of His faithfulness?  Have you pondered just how much He loves you?  To what lengths He will go to back up His promises to you?  Never thought of it, have you?  No, I hadn’t either.

Take a few minutes to think about the immensity of His affections towards you.  Sit back and study the intricacies of His purpose for your life, and the routes He has taken to accomplish it.  Meditate, if you will, on the sacrifice He has made for your future.

It’ll make your head spin—but your heart will be warmed.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Steve and Becky Riggs as they work to start a new church in Chateaubriant, France.

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God’s Guest Book

“And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or make a lie, but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life” (Revelation 21:27).

It’s good to have a guest book for those who attend your wedding to sign. With all the nervousness and excitement of the day, it’s nice to afterwards look through the book to see the names of all those who came to share your joy on your wedding day.

God has a guest book, too.  It’s called the Lamb’s Book of Life.  But you don’t have to sign it.  Once you are saved, He inscribes your name in His book.  His “marriage supper” will be spectacular; nothing will mar the beauty of this happy occasion. Is your name written in God’s guest book?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Randy and LeAnn Ledbetter and their family. LeAnn’s oldest brother recently passed away, leaving an emotional hole in the family’s hearts.

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Written in Stone

“…To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that received it” (Revelation 2:17b).

One commentator said about this verse, “Certain kinds of stones were used as tokens for various purposes.  In the context of a Messianic banquet, the white stone was probably for the purpose of admission.”  The stone was likened to a diamond which is pretty resilient after it’s put through the fire.  The believer who overcomes will attend that banquet as a victor. Keep that in mind when you are beset with trials. Better days are indeed coming.

When a couple sends out wedding invitations, they often include an RSVP, asking people to reply whether or not they will attend the reception following the wedding ceremony. This response lets the couple know how to plan for ample space, seating and food.  In contrast, the heavenly invitation goes out from day to day for whosoever will— so preparations can be made for the “wedding supper of the Lamb.”  Sadly, many are not responding. Not to worry, though, there will be plenty of food and places at His table.

Make your reservation for a seat at His banquet table by giving your heart to Jesus. That will be your RSVP.  You won’t have to worry about where you will sit.  Find the white stone engraved with your name. According to our verse, you will be the only one who will recognize it.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Oklahoma Women Active for Christ as they prepare for the upcoming Fellowship Luncheon at the WNAC Convention in July.

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