Gifts of the Spirit (4)

“That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another” (1 Corinthians 12:25).

The word “schism” could be defined as division. The gifts of the Spirit are bestowed in a way that should not lead to division within the body of believers. No one should think of themselves better than another. God, through the Holy Spirit, knows what His people need and what is best for them. Failure to trust God will always cause problems whether it is in individuals or within His Church.

We should have mutual respect for one another no matter how many “gifts” they possess. God is using all gifts for His glory and for the edification of the church.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Paul Creech, Georgia pastor and former missionary to Ivory Coast, as he continues the healing process in his battle with cancer.

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Gifts of the Spirit (3)

“And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you” (1 Corinthians 12:21).

Never feel what you do, with the leading of the Spirit, isn’t that important. Paul referred to our bodies again. They are made of many parts, not just one. Each part has a function. If we only had eyes, how would we hear? Or if we were to think any part of our body wasn’t that important, would we want to be rid of it like we didn’t need it. That might sound ridiculous. However, it is just as silly to think anything we do to glorify God within the church is not needed so we should stop what we are doing. We must consider the welfare of the whole whether it be our body or the church.

As we are dependent on God, all within the church should also be able to depend on each other. We are family, working together as a whole to accomplish great things for God. Can others depend on you to use your gift or gifts? What you do or, don’t do, does make a difference. Use whatever you have and are for God’s glory. The Lord and His church are counting on you.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray women will put as much time into our current TWG study as writer Dianne Worthington spent preparing it.

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Gifts of the Spirit (2)

“And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh in all” (1 Corinthians 12:6).

Yesterday I shared about diversity. I think in terms of it being variety. I have often used the illustration of a jigsaw puzzle. Depending on the size of it, there can be anywhere from fifty to one thousand pieces. Interlock all the pieces and the whole picture can be displayed. If some of the pieces are missing or lost, the picture is incomplete. The Body of Christ-His Church is much the same way. As I mentioned, we all have at least one gift to contribute to the overall work of the church. When we fail to use it or it somehow gets misplaced, the whole “picture” or work of the church is affected.

Read 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and pray about what the Spirit can help you do to find your fit within the body. When you do realize what your gift is, use it with humility, joy and enthusiasm.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that Christians in Azerbaijan will be emboldened to following in their Savior’s footsteps. 1 Corinthians 4:9-16.

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Gifts of the Spirit (1)

“For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office” (Romans 12:3-4).

Before we get into our actual study this week of the “Gifts of the Holy Spirit,” I thought a little self-evaluation was in order. Our text suggests we look at ourselves “soberly” to think about our value in proportion to the faith God has given us. There is no room for ego or attitude issues when it comes to the dispensing of gifts by the Holy Spirit. Gifts are given in relation to the whole church body. Just like our personal bodies have many members with different functions, the church body has many members and all have a different job to do. However, in that diversity, we must remember all must work together in unity for its well-being.

Sister Worthington states this in her October Bible study, “All Christians possess at least one spiritual gift; some believers have more than one. No particular gift or position makes a person better or more spiritual.” The Holy Spirit bestows the gifts as He deems necessary and He will lead us as we commune daily with God. Some may be hindered, thinking they must have great abilities or talents. The Spirit doesn’t look at our capability. He looks at our availability to be used by God for His glory.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Tracy Payne as she presides at the Oklahoma WAC meeting today in Ada.

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Both Psalm 18 and 2 Samuel 22 contain vivid word-imagery of God’s power. In these two chapters I see God’s power as a synonym of God’s love; this great and mighty God rises from His throne, parts the skies, and steps down to my rescue. Because of His love for me, He moves heaven and earth to protect me! What an awesome thought! He reached down from heaven and rescued me; He drew me out of deep waters…He led me to a place of safety; He rescued me because He delights in me. The beginning of Psalm 18 says, “I love you Lord; you are my strength.” Think about your favorite movie with a strong and valiant leading-man and then replace his image with the spiritual image of God: God as our Great Defender, Protector, and our Provider. He is our strength and He is our Hero. Read Psalm 18 and realize the depth of God’s love for you.

Karyn Pugh
Student at FWBBC; Tennessee

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for local, state, national and international pastors today.

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“Unseal my lips, O LORD, that my mouth may praise you” (Psalm 51:15).

When I was growing up one of the verses (among many) my Mother constantly quoted was James 4:17 which says something like, “To him who knoweth to do right and doeth it not; to him it is sin.” One of the things I have always felt conviction about was standing up to testify in church when the opportunities arise. I am terrified to the point of physical panic and nausea—my whole body stiffens and shakes, my fingers become cold and numb—all at the thought of standing up to say something for God in front of anyone.

This summer I toured with the Rejoice Ministry Team from FWBBC and as part of my testimony each night, I quoted Matthew 10:32-33: “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father in Heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in Heaven.” These are the words of Jesus and the application of this statement is for believers. Not just as we witness to the lost but also to each other. When Jesus says, “If you deny me…” He is not just talking about a public declaration, but also the act of silence. Silence is a form of denial.

I was forced to overcome my fear of public confession of Christ as I traveled with Rejoice. The greatest lesson I learned from that entire summer experience was getting over myself for a bigger purpose. I have realized that anyone who “feels uncomfortable” with praying out loud in public or cannot say anything for what Christ has done in their lives needs to think about what they are sacrificing for the sake of protecting their own pride. When you have refuse to say something and a spirit of fear conquers you, you are saying that Christ has done nothing and that fear is stronger than Christ. Do you get that? So, the question is: will Jesus testify for you?

Karyn Pugh
Student at FWBBC: Nashville, TN

PRAY TOGETHER: TWG staff need Holy Spirit-direction as they formulate topics and select writers for next year’s Together in the Word Bible studies.

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The Fruit of Faith, Meekness, and Temperance

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23).

The last three in our “cluster of grapes” are faith (sometimes referred to as faithfulness), meekness, and temperance. These qualities touch on our inner character and how much we have changed our will over to the will of God.

I found this quote concerning “faithfulness.” “This quality recognizes that all of our actions, our thoughts, and our motives are under the constant observation of our loving heavenly Father.” Having faith is always necessary. Demonstrating that we are “faith-full” is important, too.

Our next quality is “meekness.” Some mistake this word for “weakness.” This is far from the truth. We have to be strong to push self out of the way to do the will of God. We have to be strong to be bold in our witness. In those strengths we must display humility.

Lastly, we find the word, “temperance.” Another term we use for that is “self-control.” Our “self-control” is under God’s control. If the latter is true in our lives, we aren’t going to be so open to the tricks and attacks of the devil.

In closing, Paul places the following phrase after he lists the nine qualities, “against such there is no law.” Paul wrote the first four chapters of Galatians to prove to the people they weren’t justified by the works of the law. Every quality mentioned in the “fruit of the Spirit” did not conflict with the law. The Spirit will never lead a person away from the laws of God. As we strive to give the Spirit control, He produces in us the same qualities we find in Christ. Thank God for the ministry of the Holy Spirit!

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for local WAC leadership as they guide their women’s groups.

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