
“You have seen everything the Lord your God has done for you during my lifetime.  The Lord your God has fought for you against your enemies.  I have allotted to you as an inheritance all the land of the nations yet unconquered, as well as the land of those we have already conquered—from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.  This land will be yours, for the Lord your God will drive out all the people living there now.  You will live there instead of them, just as the Lord your God promised you”  (Joshua 23:3-5 NLT).

It doesn’t take long sitting in any Sunday School class, prayer meeting or gathering of God’s kids to realize that some of us are going through some trying times—some wilderness experiences, some desert wanderings, some very low valleys.

Just to encourage your heart, I want you to remember:  This is not all there is.

God has planned for us some of the most lovely mountaintops.  Places where we can see the heights to which He’s enabled us to climb.  Spots where we seem closer to Him than we’ve ever been.

God also has in store for us some very fertile river land.  Acres upon acres of land waiting for us to use in producing fruit.

Another piece of prime real-estate He has set aside for us?  Beach-front property.  For the Israelites, it was the promise of the Mediterranean.  For us, it’s the vastness of the beach, the calming effects of the waves, the relaxation of the sunshine and fresh air—faith, peace and joy.

Which land deal are you settling for?

Think He won’t come through on His end of the bargain?  Think back to the detours He’s walked you through, the scenery He’s allowed you to view, the souveniers of faith He’s allowed you accumulate over the years of traveling.

Will you keep traveling towards what He’s promised to you?  Won’t it be worth it?  Come on, fellow traveler—let’s keep moving towards the Promised Land.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for these missionary moms-to-be: Lydie Teague, Mandi Morgan, Dana Portell, and Miriam Bishop.

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One Sad Verse

“After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel”  (Judges 2:10 NLT).

Imagine seeing the mighty wall of water and walking across a parted sea.  Imagine tasting the first flake of manna.  Imagine the seventh trip around Jericho.  Imagine hearing for yourself the report of the Promised Land and seeing the cluster of grapes hanging between the two scouts.

Imagine not being amazed by all this nor awed enough to pass it on to your children. Imagine failing to tell your kids all the mighty works of God, works you’d seen with your own two eyes.  Imagine not bothering to teach your children that Yahweh had provided, had sustained, had lead and had demanded wholehearted worship.

Imagine a grandchild not knowing the words to “Jesus Loves Me.”

Imagine a niece or nephew of yours not knowing about the little man named Zaccheus who climbed a tree.

Imagine a child of yours not spending an eternity in Heaven.

This sad verse encourages me to continue every effort to raise my son in a Christian home.  God has stirred my heart to invest more time and effort into this hugely important task.  And as for something easy to digest…He’s put it pretty plainly in front of me: I cannot depend upon anyone other than myself to introduce Christ to my child.

It’s worth every effort.  It’s worth every moment.  It’s worth every struggle Sunday morning and Wednesday night.  It’s worth it every time we pause to pray instead of rushing into the meal.  It’s worth repeating…and repeating…and repeating.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for faithfulness in sharing the wonders of God with the next generation both in your family and your church family.

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A Call for Justice and Mercy

“Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Execute true judgment, and show mercy and compassions every man to his brother: and oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart” (Zechariah 7:9-10).

The key to God’s restoring, defending and watchful care is found in Zechariah 7:9, when the Lord says, “…show mercy and compassions….”  If people had been doing this, He wouldn’t have had to tell them to stop oppressing the needy.

Throughout this week of our study, I hope you have seen how God set up guidelines to help those “near to His heart.”  In doing so,  He demonstrates His love for those whose needs are great.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray the Spring issue of Treasure will arrive to readers in a timely manner. Ask God to use its contents to open readers’ eyes to the reality of spiritual warfare and challenge them to claim victory through Jesus Christ.

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God Pleads Their Cause

“Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless.  For their redeemer is mighty; he shall plead their cause with thee” (Proverbs 23:10-11).

Today’s verse denounces the oppression of the fatherless and other needy.  By intentionally going against them, we are going against God.   “The old landmark” may have referred  to the need of  heeding the warnings and teachings of  their forefathers. It’s like the phrase, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.”  God had made provision for widows and fatherless. He intended for those teachings to be preserved and obeyed. The proof of that is found in the last part of our verse. If His people were to forsake those teachings, God would be there for the widows and fatherless, to plead their cause against their oppressors. He will always be their mighty Redeemer, a champion to defend their cause against the wicked.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that upcoming elections in Kenya, March 4, would not be tainted with violence or bring greater hardship for believers in Christ.

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A Helper and a Judge

“A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation”
(Psalm 68:5).

Let’s examine the first portion of our verse. It is obvious God cares and helps the
helpless. I feel God being “a father of the fatherless” is just as prevalent today as in Bible times. Today more and more homes are without fathers and the children suffer. There is a need for men to step up and become good father figures. However, the greatest example is God. By faith the fatherless can receive healing and forgiveness from someone Who can show them what a real father’s love is like. This is a far cry from any abandonment and abuse the fatherless might have endured.

The widow is included in this verse because she is in need of being defended by a
righteous judge. She finds this in the Lord who will be there when she has no where else to turn.

Now to the last part of our verse. I had originally thought David was talking about a tangible dwelling place. In actuality, it is more about the essence or personality of God to take care of the weak and needy.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the fathers in your church, asking the Father to make them examples of His care and concern.

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A Helper of the Fatherless

“…the poor committeth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless” (Psalm 10:14b).

I think one of the reasons orphans are often taken advantage of by oppressors is because they believe the lie that God has forgotten them. It’s easy to think that way when you feel deepdespair. However, when orphans or other needy inviduals come to God they find Him a helper and sustainer.  All who come to Him find the truth of these words: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) God has promised to help the fatherless, and He always keeps His promises.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for fatherless children in your church. Ask God to protect them from the lies of the Enemy.

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Orphans—Near to God’s Heart

“The Lord preserveth the strangers: he relieveth the fatherless and the widow…” (Psalm 146:9a).

Our winter studies have emphasized three phases of God’s care. Each starts with the
same letter, Responsive, Reliable, and Restorative. These words demonstrate that God’s
Mighty Hand is gentle and caring.

Our February study, “Near His Heart,” will deal with God’s hand upon the
orphans and fatherless. It is no secret—God adores children. They are all special to Him.
However, throughout history, orphans and the fatherless are ones in special need of His restorative care.

Our study begins, “In ancient cultures, orphans were easily victimized. They risked extreme poverty and even slavery. In addition to the emotional trauma of their loss, they were at the mercy of extended family for their daily care.” I”ve wondered what
happened if there were no living relative or if no one cared to take care of these individuals. Today’s verse seems to answer that dilemma. God wanted to make sure the orphans, fatherless, and even the widow were cared for and protected.

I admonish you to read the introduction to week one of our study. You will get a picture
of 21st century orphans. Can you look at them through the eyes of God? Do they have a special place in your heart?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the continued ministry of an orphanage facility in Central Asia, a past building project of Hanna Project volunteers.

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