Only our God could come up with the minute details of procreation that would allow mankind to reproduce itself. Among the first things He tells Adam and Eve is to be fruitful. He could have created more people from dust or ribs without even breaking a sweat, but He wanted humans to know the pure joy of seeing life come forth as a result of their love for one another. Parenting is a privilege…one that God knows up close and personal.
Read Ephesians 6:4; Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:15: 23:13-14, 26; and 29:15, 17. In your notebook, make one word entries describing how parents are to model, provide for or instruct their children. Pray that God will allow you the privilege of impacting children in your family, your church, and your community.
Mona Dukes
South Carolina
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Gladys Gragg as she prepares TWG’s “Pray Together.” Ask God to give her wisdom and guidance in compiling these requests.