Where You Are

“You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail”  (Proverbs 19:21 NLT).

If a time-travel machine were real and available to me this morning, I’d like to take you for a quick jaunt back in time.  I’d set the dial for five, ten, possibly twenty years ago and we’d zoom off to where you were at that time in your life and sit for a spell.  For some of you it might be just after high school.  Maybe early newlywed.  Would we settle ourselves into a nursery where you’re holding your firstborn?  Filling out W-2’s for your first job?  At the bank signing papers on your first home?

We’d discuss how things had changed.  We’d nibble on the delicacy of the time.  We’d giggle at the clothing considered all the rage.  And?  Well, before we headed back to 2012, I’d have to ask: Are you where you thought you’d be?

Are you living the life you’d hoped to have?  Have you experienced all the joys you’d hoped to enjoy?  Do you have the material possessions you’d put on your ‘When I Grow Up’ list?  Are you married to the man/woman of your dreams?  Do you have the one, two or six children you’d decided you wanted to have?

Or are you in a different place?  Some days, even a different world?

Do you catch glimpses of the reason God has you where you are today?  Oh, I’m not expecting you to understand completely, but have you seen how the brushstrokes of His plan are coming together to make a beautiful masterpiece?

Has He changed your priorities?  Do the things you’d hoped for in the past make you laugh?  Do the dreams you’d dreamed fade in comparison to what He’s actually blessed you with?  Are the knights-in-shining-armor you’d waited and primped for now rusting in someone else’s castle—and you’re very glad?

Wherever you are today, rest assured, it’s where God designed.  You are who you are because of the life He’s chosen for you to live—good or bad.  You have the testimony you have because He has allowed you to experience life, life as you know it.  You are where you are today, standing on the edge of something wonderful, because His purpose always prevails.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Continue to pray for God’s work among Muslims, especially during Ramadan. As followers seek to be better Muslims, any openness to the Gospel is often squelched, halted or at best, delayed during this season of the year. Pray for God’s Spirit to continue His work.

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Trust Wholeheartedly

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

Many times in the Christian life when we don’t understand a given situation, we tend to use God as a last resort.  We want to reason things out and try our own ways in solving our problems.  Or we may want to compromise; most likely, this won’t give us the answers we need.

Trust God completely; let Him hold free reign. Push self out of the way so His will can be accomplished.  Lean on His everlasting arms.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Is there an elderly friend or relative who seems lonely or discouraged? Remember this person in prayer. Consider scheduling time for a visit over the weekend or within the next few days .

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Commit and Trust

“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5).

Seeking to avoid spiritual atrophy, we may turn to our own methods.  Our attempts may not work and we could even cause ourselves further harm. Yet, God’s ways stand proven and sure.

When we get out of God’s way and surrender to His will, we will be victorious. What may have hindered us before is gone. We must trust that God knows what He is doing. We don’t need to understand.  Just reach out and take His hand.  Make the move to walk in His way.  He will guarantee you safe passage.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Currently, FWBHM deficit accounts total over $100,000. Pray for funds to eliminate this indebtedness; prayerfully consider a part in this effort.

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Trust Him Always

“Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah”  (Psalm 62:8).

Trust God during the good times and bad and everything in between.  When life overwhelms us, we need to get moving.  We can run to Him for refuge.  We can pour out our heart.  Drop to your knees because He’s just a prayer away.

There’s not much in this world we can trust. Friends may betray us.  Sometimes even family may desert us.  However, God never changes.  He promises to never leave or forsake us.

I can’t think of a reason not to give our full trust to God for always.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Christian students returning to secular campuses. Ask God for discernment on their behalf—to clearly recognize truth from error. Pray these students would seek and find a fellowship of believers for encouragement and support.


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Trust Like Job

“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him” (Job 13:15a).

The story of Job is one of faith, trust, courage, and determination.  He understood the meaning of the phrase, ““whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”  Consider everything he lost—including his health. How bravely he took a stand, as today’s verse reveals.

There is no doubt to the testimony of Job’s trust in God.  He may not have understood what was happening but he kept on trusting God.  Judging from our verse, he had to feel he was a winner either way.

Chances are you won’t face the disasters Job faced. We know he was finally restored and greatly  blessed, no doubt, because he persevered through his trials. This sends a message to us today.  No matter how bleak your situation may look, trust God.  He is still in control.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Tonight is Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of Power during the Muslim celebration of Ramadan. Pray for supernatural revelation of Jesus in dreams and visions during this night commemorating the supposed revelation of the first pages of the Q’aran to Mohammed.

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Don’t Worry…

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6).

Two of the factors that may contribute to spiritual atrophy are worry and stress. They often lead to depression which is just as crippling.  To paraphrase a statement I once read in an article by Max Lucado, “Worry is a sin because it displays a lack of trust in God.

I  remember the children’s chorus, “Why Worry (When You Can Pray)”  We could reverse that into, “Why bother to pray if you’re going to worry?

It’s been a real discipline for me, but, I’ve tried to use the following as this year’s slogan: “Let God know, then let it go.”

We must learn worry and stress are components of wasted energy.  Channel that energy into prayer. We can move past our problems if we learn to exercise trust.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Remember Lisa Bowden, Arkansas State WAC president in prayer as she begins a new school year. Pray that God would give her and other Christian educators strength, endurance and opportunity to shine as lights and influence lives.

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Missing Our Chance

“At that time Hanani the seer came to King Asa and told him, Because you have put your trust in the king of Aram instead of in the Lord your God, you have missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of Aram”  (2 Chronicles 16:7 NLT).

Ever read the book, The Prayer of Jabez?  Remember the chapter that talks about the gentleman getting to heaven, being shown around and arriving at the doors of a large warehouse?  A warehouse filled to the top with box upon box of blessings intended for the gentleman but never received because he didn’t ask?

That’s what I thought of this morning as I read about King Asa.  He missed an opportunity to see God at work, to watch all Heaven break loose, to be caught up in the midst of a miracle—but he chose to place his trust, his hope, his thoughts perhaps, on someone other than God.

That scares me to death!

What part of God’s plans, miracles or wonders am I willing to miss out on?  What blessings am I able to afford to pass up?

Will I choose to rest my head upon my checkbook or a fistful of cold, hard cash?

Will I place everything on the promises of another fallible human?

Will I determine to be joy-filled and peace-filled just because I have a certain someone in my life?

I do not want to miss my chance to hold a blessing, to conquer my enemy, to grow in the favor of the Lord—just by placing my trust and heart somewhere other than in God.

What about you?

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for youth leaders and youth ministers today as they seek to influence young lives for Christ.

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