Never Give Up

“Search for the Lord and for is strength, and keep on searching”  (Psalm 105:4 NLT).

Snow skiing.  Tried it.  Quit.

Cake decorating.  Tried it.  Quit.

Crocheting.  Tried it.  Quit.

Ice skating.  Tried it.  Quit.

Tole painting.  Tried it.  Quit.

Stamping.  Tried it.  Quit.

Keeping a clean house.  Tried it.  Quit.

Giving up sweets.  Tried it.  Quit.

Dieting and exercise.  Tried it.  Quit.

Yes, dear friends, I am a quitter.  The things I’ve tried and quit are numerous; don’t think this list is all inclusive, by any means.  Some have cost too much money.  Some have required more time than I cared to give.  Some were less than intriguing once I got into them.  Some didn’t fit my personality.  Some didn’t work.  Some took too long to catch on to.  Some, like the sweets, didn’t get my wholehearted effort.

Applaud my efforts if you wish, but in my opinion,  save it for the folks who have stuck with any noble cause and persevered.

Is there anything I’ve ever stuck with?  Sure, there are a few things:  eating, talking and seeking God.

The first, eating, I’m good at this.  Blame it on a voracious appetite, a family filled with the most wonderful cooks or a desire to live life one cheesecake at a time.

The second, is a hobby.  A natural bent, some have said.  The famous quote is, I speak, therefore I am.  Well, in my case, it goes like this:  I am, therefore I speak.

The third, seeking God, is something I must do.  I won’t give up on this; I won’t throw in the towel. Never.  I’ll shout it from the tops of my lungs; I’ll never stop seeking God and His strength.

Why?  Well, don’t think it comes easily.  Don’t assume I’m a natural at it.  It’s a matter of life or death and quite honestly, I prefer to live.

He’s all I have.  He’s all I want.  His strength is what I rely on.

What about you?  You’ve not given up on Him, have you?


Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for discouraged believers today, asking God to renew their strength and commitment to never give up.

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Rejoice in Hope

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God”  (Romans 5:1-2).

As we have learned with any form of exercise, in our spiritual lives, we must take time to slow down—but only to reflect on the blessings we have through Christ.  Read over the first week of study and think of things that can “move” us to rejoice. Our verse lists a few of the blessings we have because of all He has done for us.  We can confidently look forward to His return because “we have access by faith into this grace.”p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 10pt; font-family: “Times New Roman”; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”  (Romans 5:1-2)

As we have learned with any form of exercise there must be time to slow down, but only to reflect on the blessings we have through Christ.  Read over the first week of study and think of things that can “move” us to rejoice. Our verse lists a few of the blessings we have because of all He has done for us.  We can confidently look forward to His return because “we have access by faith into this grace.”

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for renewed vision in churches as fall approaches and people settle back into routines after summer breaks, vacations and activities.

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Rejoice in Your Darkest Hour

“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them”  (Acts 16:25).

I have faced my share of adversity. However, I’ve never been stripped, beaten and had my feet put in prison stocks like Paul and Silas. Yet today’s verse states this situation was far from their darkest hour. Those two men rejoiced in spite of their circumstances. I don’t think too many of us would feel like praying or singing during such an ordeal.

Try to imagine being an eyewitness to this prison scene. Think of the impact their testimony had on the other prisoners, and especially on the jailer.  Paul and Silas did not give in to any form of weakness. This in itself was a miracle. However, the other miracle resulted in the salvation of the jailer and his household.  Acts 16:34 records some major rejoicing at the home of the jailer.

To avoid atrophy during dark times, may I suggest knee exercises?  I also suggest you do some of these daily to strengthen those muscles.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for North Carolina WAC president Diane Bridgman, as she continues to adjust to life after the recent passing of her husband.

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Rejoice in Spite of Trials

“Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:  That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love, in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory”  (1 Peter 1:6-8).

Today’s words serve as a sequel to yesterday’s devotional. When we feel the cross we are carrying is almost too heavy to bear, we find what our faith is made of. I’ve often heard, “Don’t ask God for a lighter load; ask Him for a stronger back.”  Many years ago as part of my circuit training at the gym, I did some weight lifting. Back then it worked for me physically.  I have found, in more recent years, a new form of exercise. From a spiritual perspective when I can’t move past my circumstances, I’ve found casting or hurling (1 Peter 5:7) benefits my soul.  Knowing He cares for me is a great reason to rejoice.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Ask God to give Christian educators a burden and true heart for the spiritual well-being of their students as they begin this new school year.

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Count It All Joy

“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations” (James 1:2).

This verse is often easier said than done.  Back in June I saw the following on Facebook.  I felt it was very profound. It gave me a whole new perspective on our Scripture.

“James made it clear that the purpose of all testing is to build perseverance. (He) did not urge us to be joyful because of the trials we face. Instead, he urged us to find joy in the outcome of those trials. We don’t celebrate problems; we celebrate the fact that God can use problems to make us better people. Adversity does for our soul what weight lifting does for our body.” —Bill Perkins

If our patience and faith are never tested or used, spiritually atrophy can’t help but set in. However, as these two “muscles” get stronger, we will be ready to endure more.

Sue Winchester

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for a great move of God’s Mighty Hand in this next year through WNAC.


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“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice”  (Philippians 4:4).

Our August study is entitled, “Avoiding Atrophy.”  A simple definition for atrophy is “losing muscle because you are not using it.”  In other words, muscles tend to weaken and go through deterioration when they are not used.

Several years ago I came up with a title for an article piece I never developed:  “The Catastrophe of Atrophy.”  However, atrophy only becomes a catastrophe when we fail to retrain muscles we haven’t used in a while. To avoid atrophy, we have to get moving. Our study mentions four different movements that can keep us from becoming spiritually crippled.  They will also help us develop more stamina as we strive to be better “body builders.”

Has your endurance lost its edge? Don’t get discouraged. Rejoice! You can take measures to “avoid atrophy.”  We often feel physically and spiritually challenged.  We’ve all had days when we felt crawling out of bed was a major accomplishment.  Today’s verse, more or less says, rejoice anyway.  It’s hard to complain when we stop and rejoice about something.

I have upper body limitations, but, when I think how fortunate I am to have strong legs, I must rejoice.  As you face various circumstances, try moving your lips and raising your hands to rejoice.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Texas field worker Judy Smith who is involved in sharing the Good News at the 2012 Olympic Games.

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Fits of Excitement

“…There are no joyful celebrations in the house of our God” (Joel 1:16 NLT).

A sinner saved receives honorable mention in between announcements and special singing.
A past forgiven and a future insured is applauded then given the handshake of fellowship.
A backslider is welcomed amidst the whispered condemnations.
Chains of bondage are loosed at our altars and we fret over parking spots at the crowded restaraunt because service times have exceeded what’s normal.
A child of God birthed into the church family is left to fend for herself when it comes to discipleship and training.

What’s wrong with our churches? We can whoop and holler during church night at the ballfield. We can certainly call attention to matters of importance when it comes to elected officials and wronged family members.  We can belt out all four verses of “Amazing Grace,” regardless of whether it still amazes us.  So, what’s wrong with our churches?

Maybe it’s not like that at your church. Congratulations!
Maybe there’s nothing happening at all. No excitement. No enthusiasm. No growth. No moving of the Holy Spirit. Nothing. Barely a pulse. I’m so very sorry to hear it.

Want to change that? Want to see some zeal in your pews? Want souls saved? Families restored? Lives experiencing life? It starts with you.

When you and I get excited about God, what He’s doing, what He can do, what we’re believing Him for, what changes He’s brought about in our lives, when what He says to us during our prayer times and our times in the Word thrills us to no end—others will become excited.

It starts with us. A joyful celebration starts with you and me.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Praise God for the recent announcement that FWBIM missionaries currently stateside due to lack of missionary funding can now return to their fields of service.

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